Feeling Suicidal After Gambling

Talking about suicide can be a scary subject. But the more people are willing to talk with a friend or family member about suicidal thoughts, the more likely they can help someone take positive steps towards healing.

Many people assume that if you ask someone if they have suicidal thoughts, that you can put the idea into their head. This is a myth, and mental health professionals encourage people to ask important questions and gather facts to help someone who is depressed or feels hopeless. When someone is contemplating suicide, their words and actions can give you clues that they are at risk for hurting themselves.

People can become suicidal when they feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges. They lack hope for the future, and they see suicide as the only solution. It’s sort of a tunnel vision where other options seem useless. Having a family history of suicide or impulsive behavior is also believed to increase risk of suicidality.

Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Addiction

Other risk factors can include:

  • History of substance abuse
  • Access to firearms
  • Difficult life events
  • Isolation from others
  • History of mental illness
  • History of physical or sexual abuse
  • Having a terminal or chronic illness
  • Past suicide attempts

One of the reasons for gambling is that it's human nature to feel excited when taking risks and the positive feeling gained from gambling is no different. 'Will my numbers come up?' 'Will my team win?' The sense of anticipation creates a natural high, an adrenalin rush, a feeling that very many of us seek when looking for fun and entertainment. Suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20 and 49, eclipsing road accidents, cancer and coronary heart disease. It is also predominantly a male disorder. Of the 5,981 suicides in 2012, an. Of 986 callers to the Helpline, 252 acknowledged gambling related suicidality (25.6%); of those 53 (21.5%) reported gambling-related suicide attempts Treatment for mental health and addiction, and family histories of drug and gambling problems were more frequently acknowledged by gamblers with gambling-related suicidality. Excessive gambling can lead to depression, anxiety, aggression, increased suicide risk, relationship issues and stress-related illnesses. Gambling also increases stress levels (via the stress hormone cortisol) and your heart rate, which can lead to health risks. Gambling with Lives was set up by the families and friends of young people who had taken their own lives as a direct result of gambling. These were all very normal, bright, popular and happy young folk who had great futures ahead of them gambling was their only problem.

The more signs you see, the higher the risk there is for suicide. Though talking about dying is an obvious sign, there are many others that can indicate risk. There are emotional, verbal, and behavior clues you can observe.

Emotional Markers can include:

  • Feeling depressed
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Shame or humiliation
  • Mood swings

Verbal Markers include talking about:

  • Killing themselves
  • Their life having no purpose
  • Feeling like a burden
  • Feeling stuck
  • Not wanting to exist

There are two types of suicidal statements or thoughts. An active statement might be something like, “I’m going to kill myself.” A passive statement might include, “I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up,” or, “I wouldn’t mind if I got hit by a bus.” People often ignore passive statements, but they should be taken just as seriously.

Behavioral Markers can include:

  • Isolating from others
  • Not communicating with friends or family
  • Giving away possessions or writing a will
  • Driving recklessly
  • Increased aggression
  • Increased drug and alcohol use
  • Searching about suicide on the Internet
  • Gathering materials (pills or a weapon)

Older adults also at increased risk for suicide, and they complete suicide at a higher rate than any other age group. They also are especially at risk because they do not usually seek counseling for depression and other mental illnesses. If you see an older adult who stops taking care of their hygiene, is eating poorly, and/or starts giving away their possessions, then you should help them talk to a mental health professional as soon as possible.

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Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Rules

Learn More About Depression in the Elderly

Depression can occur in the elderly, but it is not a normal part of aging. Find out more about depression in the elderly here.

Warning Signs For Kids

Many people do not assume that children and teens can be at risk for suicide, but they can exhibit warning signs as well. If a child is talking about suicide or wanting to die, always take them seriously. An event or problem that might not seem like a big deal to an adult can be extremely stressful for a child or teenager. Children and teens might be at risk for suicide if they:

  • Experience bullying
  • Lose someone close to them
  • Experience physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Abuse drugs or alcohol
  • Have a history of mental illness
  • Feel uncertain about their sexual orientation

[Click to Read: The Tragedy of Child Suicide]

What You Can Do Today?

If you see a loved one or even an acquaintance or colleague exhibiting any of these signs, you are not powerless to help them. Don’t hesitate to use specific language, such as asking, “Are you thinking about killing yourself?” If the answer is yes or maybe, ask them what they feel most comfortable doing, whether it’s calling a crisis hotline or scheduling a counseling or doctor’s appointment.

If a person is thinking of suicide, it’s also important to ask them if they have a plan. If they say yes, assist them in seeking immediately help. They can simply walk into an emergency room or urgent care clinic, or they can call 911. At any time they can also call 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Feeling Suicidal After GamblingArticle continues below

Read More About Suicide Prevention

Do you know someone who is showing signs of suicide? Visit our suicide prevention page to better understand the risk factors and what you can do to help.

Suicide is preventable, and people who feel hopeless can go on to live full and healthy lives. While you can’t control another person’s action, you can be a powerful and intervening force in their lives. So what can you do today to help a loved one choose life?


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There are three phases to a gambling addiction: winning phase, losing phase and desperation phase.

How do you go from being a social gambler to compulsive gambling?

Feeling suicidal after gambling losses

Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Stories

Robert L. Custer, M.D., former Chief of Treatment Services of the Mental Health and Behavioral Science Service of the U.S. Veterans Administration, is widely considered to be the father of professional help for the compulsive gambler. In 1972, Custer, a psychiatrist, established the first inpatient treatment center for compulsive gamblers at the VA Hospital in Brecksville, Ohio.

Feeling Suicidal After Gambling

Dr. Custer was the first to suggest that pathological gambling is a treatable illness. Through his efforts, the American Psychiatric Association classified pathological gambling as a psychiatric disorder in 1980.

Dr. Custer identified the progression of gambling addiction as including three phases:

  1. the winning phase;
  2. the losing phase
  3. the desperation phase

The Winning Phase

The winning phase is a time when gamblers win at gambling multiple times, leaving them with an 'unreasonable optimism' that they will keep on winning. Such gamblers begin to love gambling and trust that their luck will not run out. They keep on bidding and begin adding to their bids. These gamblers feel confident and comfortable, until the losing phase.

The Losing Phase

In the losing phase, gambling addicts begin to withdraw from friends and family. Gamblers start gambling alone and consider borrowing money by legal or illegal means. They become isolated by their gambling, and this isolation infiltrates their home lives. As these gamblers increase the quantity and amount of their gambling, their debts become a problem. These gamblers start chasing their losses, wanting to return to gambling directly after a loss with the hope that they can win the money back.

The Desperation Phase

The desperation phase occurs when the gambler spends more and more time gambling. This excessive time spent gambling leads to these gamblers feeling guilty, blaming others for their problems, and alienating their family and friends. The gamblers may begin to engage in illegal acts in order to have gambling money. They may turn to alcohol or drugs to combat the helplessness they feel and may experience psychological and social problems such as depression, emotional collapse, divorce, suicidal ideation or attempts, or arrest.

More comprehensive information on Signs of Gambling Addiction.

Feeling Suicidal Over Gambling

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Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Losses

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 31). Phases of a Gambling Addiction, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2020, December 18 from https://www.healthyplace.com/addictions/gambling-addiction/phases-of-a-gambling-addiction