Minnesota Gambling License

Scholarship applications now open through October 31, 2019

  • Minnesota Problem Gambling Resources in Minnesota. If gambling is causing a problem in your life we encourage you to ask questions, gather information and conduct research on the type of help that is most appropriate for your situation. This information is intended to be a starting point—it is not a complete list of information or services.
  • Lawful Gambling Tax Instructions Forms. Barcode Label Sheet. B2, Lawful Gambling Report of Barcoded Games CI, Annual Certified Physical Inventory and Cash Count Summary DA101, Lawful Gambling Distributor Permit Application. ER, Lawful Gambling Tax Credit for Exempt Raffles G1, Lawful Gambling Monthly Tax Return.
  • The only form of gambling permitted in bars that do not hold a gaming license is electronic pull-tabs. These mimic slot machines but are played on tablets. Proceeds go to charity and funding towards the new stadium that is home to the Minnesota Vikings. The minimum gambling age in Minnesota is 18 years.

To become a DHS-approved problem gambling provider in Minnesota an individual must: 1) be a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, mental health professional (licensed clinical social worker, psychologist, marriage or family therapist) or a psychiatric registered nurse, and 2) complete additional gambling training approved by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS).

In Minnesota alcohol policy is controlled by the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Their responsibilities include investigating alcohol-related complaints, performing pre-licensing background checks and education, and issuing manufacturing license amongst other things.

A counselor can become certified by taking training available online through the University of Minnesota Duluth/North American Training Institute.

Minnesota Gambling License Information

Professionals may earn an International Certified Gambling Counselor (ICGC) credential offered through the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board. More information can be found here. If counselors have previously received training through another state’s program and hold an ICGC, reciprocity may be available.

Prospective gambling counselors interested in accessing Minnesota problem gambling funds must be in a contractual relationship with DHS prior to beginning any training or counseling. No treatment or scholarship reimbursements are available prior to DHS approval.

DHS provides a timeline for those seeking to become qualified gambling treatment providers as well as an application.

Scholarship Available

The Minnesota DHS offers a scholarship to assist counselors in completing the Studies in Gambling Addiction certificate offered through the University of Minnesota Duluth/North American Training Institute.


To apply for a scholarship, please contact DHS Problem Gambling Program staff. Scholarship applications are only available when there is an open RFP and after training approval is received.

Scholarship applications are available for a limited, designated time as determined by DHS. If you are interested, please complete the application and return to Trevor Urman at DHS. Do not enroll in the training until you’ve received DHS approval.

A limited number of full scholarships are available to providers working with an identified underserved population. Note: Professionals can be gambling counselors in Minnesota without DHS oversight. DHS approves/certifies providers/counselors only if they desire to access state grant funds for this use.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a certified gambling counselor in Minnesota or have questions, please call DHS Problem Gambling Program staff: Trevor Urman, (651) 431-2231.

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Mn Gambling Raffle License

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