Legal Definition Of Craps

Legal definition of craps machines

‘No, the crap games in question are illegal dice and are played anywhere out of sight of the law.’ ‘Bill is an inveterate gambler and has forged Fred's signature for $10,000, which he lost in a crap game.’ ‘He runs a floating crap game that is temporarily homeless.’. Craps is played on a specially-designed table that features a betting layout where players can place their wagers. In a live casino, a table would look something like this. The dice are rolled on the table by one of the participating players, referred to as the shooter. Naturally, Craps has its own list of terms as well and when a game is as popular as Craps, it’s a whole new language. If you are a Craps newbie and can’t understand what Craps veterans are really saying, maybe what you really need is a comprehensive Craps glossary.

Means a 1 roll wager that may be made at any time, which shall win if a total of 2 is thrown on the roll immediately following placement of such bet and shall lose if any other total is thrown. Video Gaming Machines are defined as video poker games, video playing card games, video bingo games, video craps games, video keno games, video lotto games, eight liner games, Pot-Of-Gold games, and any video game based on or involving the random or chance matching of different pictures, words, numbers, or symbols not dependent on the skill.

Examples of craps in a Sentence

Legal Definition Of Craps
  1. Mark Coggins, 'The Immortal Game' (novel):

    Einstein said that God does not play dice with the universe. He was right, but not in the way he meant. God doesn't play dice with the universe because the universe doesn't need him. The craps table is set up and running. Whether or not God put it there is besides the point.

  2. Mehmet Murat ildan:

    Some says that genetic engineering is within the scope of the God! Well, it was so, that area would have been encircled with the impassable high walls! Mankind cannot lose its time with this kind of religious craps! Genetic engineering is our garden!

  3. Mehmet Murat ildan:

    Looking for a saviour in the sky? Be serious! Know you still not that there ain’t any saviour but science! Get rid of your cultural craps and your religious illusions! Be realist! In this universe, only the realists have the chance to save themselves!

  4. Mehmet Murat ildan:

    If you are honest, you are in the minority; if you are clever, you are in the minority; if you do not believe in any religious craps, you are in the minority! If you are not in the herd, you are in the minority! What a glorious privilege to be in this kind of minorities!


Examples of CRAP in a Sentence

  1. Oprah Winfrey:

    In that political structure -- all the non-truths, the bullsh * t, the crap, the nastiness, the backhanded backroom stuff that goes on -- I feel like I could not exist, i would not be able to do it. It's not a clean business. It would kill me.

  2. Rick Perry:

    I don't know whether State Department was crap or what.

  3. Dick Cavett:

    As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it.

  4. Rachel Frederickson:

    My thyroid, which I never had problems with, is now crap, rachel Frederickson’re brainwashed to believe that Rachel Frederickson’re super-lucky to be there.

  5. Carrie Goldberg:

    The operators of Celeb Jihad have attempted to skirt legal liability by masking their identity, one way to find out who runs a website is to look up the ICANN registration, which is public. hired a proxy service to register their domain. We often have cases like this and it’s one of my true pleasures in life to unmask the identities of web sites and then sue the crap out of them.